Using PowWow BoardGames to Play Traditional Checkers

Before Play

Choose colors for the board and the checkers.
The checkers are set up for a checker game.
Notice that all the checkers are on only one color of the board. No checker may ever move to a square of the other color.

Customizing the Checker Colors

At any time during a game of checkers you can change your colors by selecting CHECKERS ¦ CHANGE COLORS from the menu.


To move a checker, click and drag it to another square.
Dark plays first by moving one of their front-line checkers one square forward diagonally, along either diagonal row of the same colored squares.
Light moves in the same way, and after this, the players move one checker alternately, always along a diagonal row of squares towards their opponent's backline. Moves are made to unoccupied squares of the same color only.


If an opponent's checker is in the next diagonal square forward, with an empty square directly behind and in the same diagonal line in the row ahead, you must jump that checker and land in the empty square, thereby capturing your opponent's checker. Captured checkers are removed from the board. If there are several successive jumps in a straight or zigzag forward direction, you must make all of them. If a player fails to make a jump on their turn, their opponent may remove the checker from the board who should have made the jump.


If one of your checkers reaches your opponent's back-line, it automatically becomes a King.
To manually King or UnKing a checker, select it and choose CHECKER ¦ MAKE A KING (K keyboard shortcut).
A king can move in any direction along empty adjoining diagonal squares and can jump in the same manner as regular checkers, except that king jumps can be made in any diagonal direction, either forward or backward. Kings must also make a jump whenever one is available.


The winner is the first person to remove all of their opponent's checkers from the board or block their opponent so they cannot move.
To set the checkers up for another game choose CHECKERS ¦ SETUP FOR PLAY from the menu.

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